Daily Archives: February 1, 2014

A Look At Phoebe

images (5)My opinions of what happened to Ayla are based on LE statements and the words and actions of those connected to Ayla’s case, both family members and friends. Being a grandmother myself, Phoebe’s words and actions or lack of actions seem suspect to me. I’m not trying to bash Phoebe I’m merely giving examples of how her words and actions appear to be conflicting. For those of you who disagree with me, I welcome your thoughts and opinions.      

“Dear Members of the Media and Public — For 21 months my family has been heartbroken waiting for word on Ayla. Praying daily and hoping every time the phone rings that the authorities have found Ayla. Blog world, the newspapers and even the evening news have a way of distorting the truth.

Phoebe had just accused the blog world, newspapers and the evening news of “distorting the truth” with no clear example of the alleged offense. Are we to assume she’s referring to her family being heartbroken, waiting for word on Ayla, praying and hoping Ayla will be found? In the last 21 months, how much had Phoebe’s family done that would have given the blog world, newspapers and evening news reason to believe this is what they were thinking, feeling or doing?    

You have heard and read over and over again that Law Enforcement believe the 3 adults know more than what they are saying. Let me ask you this, if they so strongly believe that, why are they not asking the questions? Why are they not scheduling meetings with my family or with my attorney?

Phoebe’s granddaughter had been missing for 21 months and was presumed to be dead. Why weren’t Phoebe or her attorney scheduling meetings with law enforcement to get to the bottom of the conflicting information? If it were your granddaughter missing from your home and law enforcement had stated repeatedly that your son and daughter (who were present when your granddaughter disappeared) knew more than they were saying, wouldn’t you be asking law enforcement some questions?

Trista can say and do what she wants. To the best of my knowledge [law enforcement] has not confirmed her allegations nor stated that she has been cleared as a suspect herself. I believe that the Focus should remain on finding Ayla. Once Ayla is found then and only then will I think about justice. Justice is served only when all facts and evidence are known and presented in a court of law.

For the sake of argument, let’s assume that Phoebedownload (1) didn’t see the same blood evidence that Trista did. If you were in Phoebe’s shoes would you say, “Trista can say or do what she wants” or would you say “Trista what the hell are you talking about? Did they really show you all those pictures of Ayla’s blood?” Would you think the focus should remain on finding Ayla or would you be demanding that law enforcement show you what they showed Trista and insisting they find out who was responsible?

For my family – the last thing left in Pandora ‘s Box is hope. We choose to hold on to hope that Ayla will be found and brought home. If 3 adult women were held captive for over a decade and finally rescued then please believe there is hope Ayla will be found alive. So we ask and plead that the public continues to look for Ayla. Her eyes are beautiful and distinctive which will be a good focal point in looking for her.

Phoebe said her family chooses to hold on to hope that Ayla will be found and brought home. She asked the public to believe there is hope that Ayla will be found alive but her reason for hoping is the rescue of 3 women who were held captive, whose blood wasn’t found in their fathers’ bedrooms. This would’ve been the perfect time for Phoebe to explain what happened to Ayla to cause the blood evidence found in her home. She pleaded with the public to continue looking for an “alive” Ayla but gave the public no logical explanation to believe that Ayla was alive.    

We continue to pray that a Good Samaritan will come forward with the information [law enfocement] needs to bring Ayla home. Ayla, my granddaughter is out there alive so please do not give up looking for her. If you know anything please come forward.

Phoebe DiPietro”

If you truly believed your granddaughter was alive and law enforcement informed the public that they believed she wasn’t, would you let month after month go by without going to the media to keep your granddaughter’s case on the public’s mind? Would you only go to the media when your son and daughter needed you to defend them?

Not long ago Chicky suggested to me that possibly Ayla had a nosebleed and swallowed some of the blood which could cause the blood, saliva and vomit found. If this was the case then maybe Ayla had survived. For a few minutes we were hopeful it was something as simple as this and LE was mistaken. Then the obvious question arose…then why wouldn’t Justin, Phoebe, Elisha, Courtney, Derek and Heidi tell us? We heard that Ayla cut her foot and that was the reason for the dots of blood found but even their attorney has said DNA was found that wasn’t necessarily blood. What other DNA could come from a cut foot? The fact that none of the paternal family or friends adequately explained the blood evidence is one of the biggest reasons I’m suspicious of them. What are your thoughts on this?



Posted by on February 1, 2014 in Uncategorized