Monthly Archives: December 2019


It’s been 8 years since Ayla disappeared. Will she ever be found? Will her family ever know what really happened to her? How much longer can this go on with no answers and no justice?

Once you’ve seen her blue eyes and precious smile, you can never forget Ayla. None of us can. We can’t bring her back but we can remember her. Most of us only know Ayla through her family’s memories. Those memories keep them going from day to day and year to year. As sad as it is that Ayla is no longer alive, it would be so much worse if she were forgotten.

When you think of Ayla, what stands out to you? What makes her real to you? What is it about Ayla that stole your heart? After 8 years we keep watching and waiting for news about Ayla. This little missing Maine toddler has brought us together throughout the years and we’re still here for Ayla. Please share your thoughts of Ayla. Let’s remember her together.

I’ll try to find and add pictures of Ayla to this post if anyone remembers a favorite one. This one is similar to the one MsP mentioned.


Posted by on December 16, 2019 in Uncategorized